The basic course program is outlined here:
- What If?
- What You'll Learn
- Introduction
- Installing Vagrant and VirtualBox on Windows
- Installing Vagrant and VirtualBox on OS X
- Installing Vagrant and VirtualBox on Ubuntu
- Vagrant Up - Creating Your First VM
- Displaying a GUI Interface
- Sharing Files With the VM
- Suspending the VM
- Halting the VM
- Destroying the VM
- Windows Line Endings
- Additional Help
- Takeaway
- Development Environment Overview
- The Vagrantfile
- Installing Nginx
- Provisioning
- Networking
- Sharing and Versioning Web Site Files
- Vagrant Share
- Vagrant Status
- Sharing and Versioning Nginx Config Files
- Configuring Synced Folders
- Further Exploration
- Introduction
- Boxes
- rsync
- Initialize Hubot Dev Environment
- Provision Hubot
- Scaffold a Hubot Project
- Configure rsync Synced Folders
- Run Hubot From the Shell
- Integrate HipChat
- Configure Upstart Service
- Run Upstart Service
- Recap
- Introduction
- Multiple Machines
- Providers
- Plugins
- Configuring an AWS AMI
- Configuring SSH to AWS and Access Keys
- Configuring rsync to AWS
- Overriding Application Configuration
- Launching Hubot Into the Cloud
- Alternative VirtualBox Option
- Development Workflow and Changing Hubot
- Release Workflow and Releasing Our Change
- Rolling Back Production
- Cleanup
- AWS Considerations
- Vagrant cygwin zwindows SSL Bug Fix
- Reflect
- Introduction
- Windows Guest Differences
- Finding Windows Boxes
- Creating Windows Boxes
- Vagrant Up
- Vagrant RDP
- Provision IIS
- Testing Web Deploy
- Testing Web Config Transformations
- PowerShell's Desired State Configuration
- Recap
- Introduction
- Provisioning Types
- Why Puppet?
- Build a Standalone MongoDB Server
- Package Our MongoDB VM Into a Vagrant Box
- Maintaining Desired State With Puppet
- Loading Data Sets
- Playing With MongoDB Replica Sets
- global-status
- Reflect