I’ll walk you through the process of using PHP to see if an array has duplicate values. The idea behind PHP’s “check if array has same values” is clear to you. PHP check for equal values in arrays will be covered. If you have any inquiries concerning whether an array has duplicate values, please php laravel, after which I’ll provide a straightforward example and a fix.
The count() and array_unique() functions in PHP will be used to determine whether an array contains duplicate values. Now let’s look at the straightforward PHP code that checks for duplicate values in an array.
$myArray = ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Two', 'Five', 'Three', 'One'];
if (count($myArray) !== count(array_unique($myArray))){
var_dump("Array has duplicate value.");
} else {
var_dump("Array dose not have duplicate value.");
string(26) "Array has duplicate value."